MedCalc 22.007 instal the new
MedCalc 22.007 instal the new

MedCalc 22.007 instal the new

Added a Subgroups option in Comparison of multiple methods.The bootstrap method remains available for calculating the confidence interval for the difference of AUCs of two precison-recall curves.

MedCalc 22.007 instal the new

Changed the method of calculating the confidence interval for the AUC of precison-recall curves to the Logit method of Boyd et al (2013).Added Sample size calculation for Area Under the Precision-Recall curve.Added a shaded area option for the confidence interval of a Kaplan-Meier survival curve, ROC curve, Linear regression, Probit regression, Passing-Pablok regression and Bland-Altman plots (right-click on the confidence interval curve and select a fill color in the "Format." dialog box).Added transparency option for drawing objects (text box, rectangle, ellipse).

MedCalc 22.007 instal the new